Sunday 24 July 2011

WEEK 1- Nathalie Djurberg's 'Claymations'.

Nathalie Djurberg's 'Claymations'.

Swedish artist Nathalie Djurberg's intricately constructed claymation films are both terrifyingly
disturbing and artlessly sweet.

The new works created for the Venice Biennale explore a surrealistic Garden of Eden in which all that is natural goes awry.

She exposes the innate fear of what is not understood and confronts viewers with the complexity of emotions.

Nathalie Djurberg was awarded the silver lion for a promising young artist at the Venice
Art Biennale 09.

Research Djurberg's work in order to answer the following questions;

1. What do you understand by the word 'claymation'?
Claymation is the generalized term for clay animation, a form of stop animation using clay. The term claymation was coined by its creator, Will Vinton, owner of an animation studio that worked with clay artists to create clay animation. Claymation involves using objects or characters sculpted from clay or other moldable material, and then taking a series of still pictures that are replayed in rapid succession to create the illusion of movement. Some of the more famous claymation characters in history include Gumby and Pokey, Wallace and Gromit, and the California Raisins. 

2. What is meant by the term 'surrealistic Garden of Eden'? and 'all that is natural goes awry'?
God took some clay from the ground and made the shape of a man.  Then He breathed gently into the shape.  The man's eye's opened and he began to live.  God called him Adam and the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 
Awry means the the god can not control Adam and Eve, they've got mind so the natural goes awry.


3. What are the 'complexity of emotions' that Djurberg confronts us with?
Her works palyed with emotion feel very uncomfortable, and  different vulnerability and resilience factors are implicated in the intraindividual experience of positive and negative emotions.

4. How does Djurberg play with the ideas of children's stories, and innocence in some of her work?
I think she try to bring the ideas of children's stories in her work like how she dressed up some of the she had made. but between innocence and none innocence it is all effect this world, relationship, life etc, it not just what she's work showing us the children's could be any thing. 

5. There is a current fascination by some designers with turning the innocent and sweet into something disturbing. Why do you think this has come about?
Artist and designer try to gives us lots of new idea and different way to showing us also we can say tell us about the work, and we will always keep it in our mind.

6. In your opinion, why do you think Djurberg's work is so interesting that it was chosen for the Venice Biennale?
Amazing work was chosen for the Venice Biennale, but i think for me when i first saw her work (human, animal, plant etc) she made feel so scary, violent.

7. Add some of your own personal comments on her work.
Eat me daily.

I found myself alone 2008 

'Experiment' (2009) Venice Biennale                                           